Body Lesson  -    藝 術 家 自 述





Artist Statement

Body Lesson


This summer, I found myself working in the studio, bare-shouldered and drenched in sweat, as it trickled down the curves of my body, pooling at my waist. I quickly learned that wearing at least a worn T-shirt helped me maintain some semblance of control. In moments of sudden emotion or melancholy, tears would join the mix, and during my menstrual cycle, the sensations intensified, as my entire being felt the rush of fluids from within. Each day, the subtle cyclical changes of my body and mind left their traces on the canvas.


I flow with these bodily fluids, experiencing the ebb and flow of life and death at various levels of awareness     . Within the body lies a power I call " resilience," a balance between rigidity and flexibility, a convergence of yin and yang. It is not about being invincible; rather, it embodies a relaxed strength. This state is profoundly beautiful, both physically and spiritually, as it yearns to stretch, expand, and merge—much like the universe itself. We are miniature universes, both grand and insignificant. As we marvel at the cosmos, we must remember that the same universe exists within us. My workBig Man captures this essence of the body’s desire to expand.