Each Modern presents the memorial exhibition “The Phenomenon of Heaven and Earth” to commemorate Chi Ten-Shung, the deceased novelist as a representer of postwar Taiwanese literature, who impacted profoundly not only the development of Taiwanese literature but also the generation and the ontology in his era.


Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸宣布已故小說家七等生的紀念藝術展「天與地的現象」,將展出繪畫作品 27 幅、攝影作品 14 件。作為戰後台灣文學的代表人物,七等生對文學、世代、與時代的存在論產生了深遠的影響。他柔緩、敏銳的文字,寫實但又寓意地轉化現實為人所存在的哲理。