Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很高興宣布舉辦許炯的最新個展「山水 2022 SS」。2019年,許炯在亞紀畫廊的個展「自畫像」是他創作的重要轉折點。在該展覽中,許炯首次嘗試以壓克力顏料表現書寫和抽象,並在之後發展到複合媒材的使用,也首次運用了拼貼的方法。除了技法的拓展之外,他對山水的前衛詮釋也延續至了本次展覽,數十件的新作呈現許炯近年來不斷顛覆框架的「山水畫」和其身處的「環境」。


Each Modern is pleased to announce Xu Jiong’s latest solo exhibition “ShanShui 2022 SS.” In 2019, Xu’s solo show “Self-portrait” at Each Modern was a turning point. He used acrylic to create calligraphy and abstraction for the first time and extended his mediums to mixed media and collaging. Besides the methods, Xu continues his pioneer interpretation of “ShanShui (landscape; Shan: mountain, Shui: water)” to “ShanShui 2022 SS,” presenting how he reacts and overthrows the image of “ShanShui” and its surrounding.