徐渠 生於中國南京,是活躍國際藝壇丶備受期待的重要藝術家,他先後就讀南京藝術學院及德國布倫瑞克造型藝術學院藝術研究所,目前生活與創作於北京。從歐洲返回中國後,徐渠發展出了形式多樣的作品,沈思並關注全球化中的權力遊戲。如其他同世代的藝術家一樣,徐渠在西方所受的教育直接地引領他對世界的交流與變動感到興趣,他不僅只是描繪權力的表象與隱性,也提出了權力的物理流動性。徐渠的創作媒材橫跨錄像、繪畫、雕塑、與裝置,作品的面貌反映著社會流動中的鏈結。他的作品也隨著時代與社會的變化不停地更新,從貿易、科技、環境到認知等多樣的層面,探討全球化之下的世界真實性。徐渠近年重要個展包括2023年上海龍美術館「降臨」、2019年香港MDC畫廊「成色」、義大利MDC畫廊「Chaos」;2018年上海天線空間「疼痛」;2015年比利時布魯塞爾Almine Rech Gallery「貨幣戰爭」與上海天線空間「友誼萬歲萬萬歲」等。重要聯展包括2019年北京松美術館「隱形於色—抽象藝術群展」、上海OCAT「重蹈現實—來自王兵的影像收藏」;2018年北京PPPP「信息中的鬼魂」、廣東時代美術館「長征計畫:特區III」;2017年倫敦Sadie Coles HQ「中國2185」、北京金杜藝術中心「自然追隨抽象」;2016年香港K11藝術基金會「黑客空間」、巴黎路易威登藝術中心「本土—激流和嬗變下的中國藝術」、2015年俄羅斯「第三屆烏拉爾工業當代藝術雙年展」、廣東紅磚廠當代藝術館「觸知區」;2014年上海二十一世紀民生美術館「多重宇宙:有線與無線 存在與共存」;2013年北京尤倫斯當代藝術中心「On|Off:中國年輕藝術家的觀念與實踐」等。
Xu Qu was born in Nanjing, China, and is considered one of the most active and prominent artists of our time. He graduated with a BFA from Nanjing Art Institute in 2002 and an MFA in Fine Arts and Film at Braunschweig University of Art, Germany in 2008 before moving to Beijing, where he currently lives and works. After returning to China, Xu develops his works through a wide variety of mediums, such as video, painting, sculpture and installation, preoccupied with confronting the reality of our globalized world. He not only depicts the phenomena and underlying aspects of power but also highlights the dynamic nature of power. His artistic practice has always been focused on the aesthetic considerations behind social connections through direct movements. Xu’s selected solo exhibitions include: ‘Advent,’ The Long Museum, China 2023; ‘Fineness’, Massimo De Carlo, Hong Kong, China 2019; ‘Chaos’, Massimo De Carlo, Milano, Italy 2019; ‘Ache’, Antenna Space, Shanghai, China 2018; ‘Currency Wars’, Almine Rech, Brussels, Belgium 2015; and ‘Intercourse’, Antenna Space, Shanghai, China 2015. Selected group exhibitions include ‘Abstraction(s)’, Song Art Museum, Beijing, China 2019; ‘Remapping Reality’, OCAT, Shanghai, China 2019; ‘Ghosts in The Information’, PPPP, Beijing, China 2018; ‘Long March Project - Special Economic Zone’, Guangdong Times Art Museum, Guangzhou, China, 2018; ‘ZHONGGUO 2185’, Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK 2017; ‘Huan Zhong – Nature Follows Abstraction’, KWM Artcenter, Beijing, China 2017; ‘Hack Space’, k11 Art Foundation, Hong Kong, 2016; ‘Bentu, des artistes chinois dans la turbulence des mutations’, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France 2016; ‘Stereognosis Zone’, Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou, China 2015; The Third Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art, 2015; ’Cosmos - Limited and limitless, existence and co-existence’, Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China 2014; and 'On/Off', UCCA, Beijing, China 2013.