Through Nature to Eternity
自 然 - 經過塵世以達永恆 28 Dec 2024 - 8 Feb 2025亞紀畫廊將於12月28日起呈現冬季群展「自然-經過塵世以達永恆」。面對更迭起伏的2024年,「自然」一詞承載著多重解釋:它既是經歷世俗磨難後的逃避之所,也是人性在歲月中積累的沉澱;它是孕育新生的寄託,更是哈姆雷特所言「經過塵世以達永恆」的象徵。此次群展的作品繼承了視覺藝術的經典,展覽從水墨、油彩、攝影等多種媒介開始,隨著時代的交替,逐漸發展出深刻的概念實踐。這些作品不僅傳達了有形的現實感,還融入了東方文化中對無限時間與空間的理解,展現了東方與自然及宇宙的關係。自然作為一個連貫的現實存在,卻又獨立於現實本身,讓觀眾在精神上得以投射於此間與此外。 Each Modern will present the winter group show 'Through Nature to Eternity' starting December 28. In the face of the changing tides of 2024, the term 'nature' carries multiple...Read more -
Wu MeiChi: Baby’s Baby
吳美琪:禮物 24 Nov 2023 - 7 Jan 2024Baby’s Baby is an exhibition that blends Wu MeiChi's personal life experiences with her unique visual aesthetics. As one of Taiwan's most prominent young visual artists, Wu MeiChi's contemporary perspective...Read more -
Wu MeiChi: Pandora's Box
吳美琪:潘朵拉的盒子 26 Jul - 24 Sep 2023Each Modern and A26 SPACE are happy to present Pandora's Box, Wu MeiChi's first solo exhibition in Beijing. The exhibition will be held simultaneously in A26 SPACE and Vege Wonder, a Michelin star restaurant. Pandora's Box features Wu's most iconic still life photography XYX - A Moveable Feast (2017) and YXX - The Flares (2019), with various development afterward though the concept of "box" as well as the experiment of media including graphical output and textile technology. Wu’s latest series Notes: Write Down Your Worries and Fears will also be premiered at A26 SPACE.Read more -
25 Mar - 23 Apr 2023Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸與東京畫廊Gallery COMMON 共同籌劃交換展,在東京、台北分別展出多位日本、台灣、美國的當代藝術家。2023 年三月,亞紀畫廊將率先進駐東京Gallery COMMON,而Gallery COMMON 的策展內容將接續於四月在台北亞紀畫廊展出。Read more
Each Modern is pleased to collaborate with Gallery COMMON to announce an exchange exhibition and the exhibition will take place in Tokyo and Taipei with two groups of contemporary artists curated by the galleries. In March 2023, Each Modern will hold the first part of the exhibition at Gallery COMMON in Tokyo, and Gallery COMMON will hold the second part at Each Modern in Taipei in April. -
Wu MeiChi - YXX - The Flares
吳美琪 - YXX - The Flares 23 Nov - 28 Dec 2019Wu MeiChi creates vibrant color photos that intersect still life, studio photography, abstraction, and scientific experimentation. In “YXX – The Flares”, the glossy surfaced images act as frictionless planes where...Read more