吳美琪以彩色靜物攝影為創作基調,交織靜物、棚拍、抽象、圖像文化、科學實驗等,生產關於色彩、光線、物件迭代、空間分割的圖像,這些作品既是對形式、空間與色彩的純粹探索,也是對消費文化中的時代和物品的再詮釋。吳美琪最知名的作品包括 2017 年的靜物攝影《XYX - A Moveable Feast》系列、2019年《YXX – The Flares》系列、以及 2019 年後以「盒子」為觀念主軸發展出的各種攝影變奏,包括結合擺拍與電腦繪圖的布面輸出作品、運用紡織技術完成的影像繪毯。作品標題的兩個「X」各自代表真實 (物體) 和虛擬 (反射) ,而「Y」則為光 (介質) 在畫面中所產生的變化,這是藝術家在研究宇宙與空間的同時,也重新思考人和環境及物種的關係、重組現存環境與生物的一個嘗試。吳美琪開創性地使用媒材,擅長以徒手架設不可能的鮮豔光影場景,創造出的幻視空間凌駕於常理之上。在切割空間維度的過程當中,俗常的物件蛻變成為擁有強勢姿態感的靜物,在數位時代下開展了攝影藝術新型態的創作。重要個展包括2024年集美阿爾勒攝影節「Baby’s Baby」獲選發現獎、2023 年北京 A26 空間暨山河萬朵「潘朵拉的盒子」、2019 年台北亞紀畫廊「YXX-The Flares」、2020年台北朋丁「野餐」,重要群展包括2022年台中藝術銀行「另見:藝術家的視窗」、2023 年台北攝影文化中心「抽象之眼」、東京 Gallery Common「IMAGRATION」等。
As a photography artist, Wu MeiChi focuses on color still life and combines stage photography, abstraction paintings with light and texture experiments. Her works scenes of light and reflection are used to produce images of distorted geometric shapes. Wu is best known for her iconic still life photography series, "XYX - A Moveable Feast" (2017) and "YXX - The Flares" (2019), as well as her innovative exploration of various media, including graphical output and textile technology, all centered around the concept of the "box." In her titles, the two "X"s symbolize the tangible (the object) and the intangible (reflection), while "Y" signifies the light (medium) as it traverses and transforms within the scene. These titles stem from the artist's profound exploration of the universe and space, her reinterpretation of the relationships between humans, species, and the environment, and her endeavor to reform existing conditions and beings. Wu MeiChi pioneers the innovative use of media, excelling in the manual construction of light and shadow scenes that transcend conventional boundaries. Through the process of manipulating spatial dimensions, ordinary objects undergo a metamorphosis, transforming into still-life compositions imbued with a commanding presence. Wu MeiChi's photographic artistry and her discerning choice of subjects give birth to a novel and unparalleled realm of creative expression. Important solo exhibitions include “Baby’s Baby” (2024) at Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival as part of the Discovery Award nominees’ presentation, “Pandora’s Box” at A26 Space and Vege Wonders, Beijing, “YXX-The Flares”(2019) at Each Modern, Taipei, “Picnic”(2020) at Pon Ding, Taipei. Important group exhibitions include “A Fresh Look-The Artist’s Window”(2022) at ArtBank, Taichung, “The Eye of Abstraction”(2023) at National Center of Photography and Images, Taipei, “IMAGRATION” at Gallery Common, Tokyo.