亞紀畫廊很高興呈現群展「纏 繞 - 日本女性抽象」,透過橫跨一世紀日本女性藝術家的樣貌,思考不同時代中女性抽象藝術家完成的獨立嘗試。尤其日本因社會氛圍形成以男性主導的藝術流派、加上現實主義向來是日本藝術表現的主流,女性抽象藝術家直至近年才逐漸獲得重視;儘管面臨多重偏見,仍有相當一部分女性藝術家特立獨行,她們將自己視為和其他男性一樣的藝術革命者,甚至自絕於流派之外,致力創造超越時代的視覺語言,最終推動了一種屬於東方女性的抽象藝術形式與概念的轉變。
-山沢栄子《朝日新聞》夕刊 1992年9月12日
Each Modern is pleased to present the group exhibition To Sway and Surround : Japanese Female Abstraction, which reflects on the independent attempts made by female abstract artists across different eras through the lens of Japanese women artists spanning a century. In Japan, where the art scene has historically been male-dominated and realism has long been the mainstream mode of artistic expression, female abstract artists have only recently begun to gain recognition. Despite facing multiple biases, a significant number of women artists have forged their own paths, viewing themselves as artistic revolutionaries on par with their male counterparts. Some have even distanced themselves from established genres, dedicating themselves to creating a visual language that transcends time, ultimately driving a transformation in the forms and concepts of abstract art that belong to Asian females.
Finally, the times have caught up with me. Even if they don't, it doesn't matter.
– Yamazawa Eiko, Asahi Shimbun Evening Edition, September 12, 1992
This exhibition emphasizes the duality of female artists, drawing thematic inspiration from the poetry of early Japanese women artists, particularly the imagery of "entwined" found in haiku. It aims to showcase how female artists express their ideals of art and self-independence through their unique feminine perspectives. This flexible expression of independence conveys a strong belief in transcendence and recognizes that abstraction is the best means of expressing technical advancement and emotion.