亞紀畫廊榮幸地宣布,將於 2024 年 10 月 23 日至 11 月 23 日舉辦李吉祥的個展「穿透著白 White Unveiled」。這是藝術家自 2021 年在亞紀畫廊舉辦「殘焦 Lingering Focus」個展以來,時隔三年的首次回歸。此次展覽不僅展示了李吉祥的繪畫作品,更透過多重主題、藝術史、透視法的交織,構建出一個關於藝術家自身的豐富敘事,並引導觀者在複雜的時空背景中重新解讀其寫實作品的可能性。


Each Modern is honored to announce "Lee ChiHsiang : White Unveiled” will take place from October 23 to November 23, 2024. This marks the artist's second solo exhibition with Each Modern after "Lingering Focus" in 2021. The exhibition not only showcases Lee's paintings but also weaves together multiple themes, art history, and perspectives to construct a rich narrative about the artist himself, guiding viewers to reinterpret the possibilities of his realistic works within a complex temporal and spatial context.