Each Modern is thrilled to unveil its brand-new location with the inaugural exhibition, “CTRL3R,” featuring German artist Hell Gette’s latest series of work produced during her residency in Los Angeles. Following Gette’s previous participation in the group show “Cyberpunk,” this marks the artist’s fourth collaboration with the gallery, and most notably, her very first solo exhibition in Asia.


Each Modern 亞紀畫廊今日很榮幸宣布,即將展出德國藝術家海爾蓋特 Hell Gette 眾所期盼的亞洲第一個個展。繼參與亞紀畫廊過去策劃的 Cyberpunk 群展、台北藝博、上海 Art 021 展出之後,海爾蓋特將在今年十一月進行個展「CTRL3R」,展出藝術家在洛杉磯駐村創作的最新作品,本展也是亞紀畫廊搬遷至敦化南路二段新址後的首次展覽。