ACHI inspired by Each Modern
展覽為邀請制 By Invitation Only
Each Modern is pleased to announce “Hilo Chen: New York 1970” at ACHI inspired by Each Modern. Following Each Modern’s late 2021 exhibition "Hilo Chen: Eyes" which presented his early portraits, this exhibition will focus on the artist’s photorealistic paintings made in New York before his transition into his preeminent Beach series.
Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸於 ACHI inspired by Each Modern 帶來「陳昭宏:紐約 1970」。繼 2021 年末於亞紀畫廊展出其早期肖像作品的展覽「陳昭宏:眼睛」之後,本展將專注於藝術家在邁入最廣為人知的《海灘》系列之前,在紐約以一種局外、旁觀、探索、遊蕩的生活方式所實踐的照相寫實繪畫。