Each Modern 亞紀畫廊非常榮幸將於 2022 年 1 月 14 日起,舉辦陳庭詩逝世 20 週年紀念展「禪的起源」。繼 2021 年 11 月於 ACHI inspired by Each Modern 開展的「陳庭詩作品展」後,展覽「禪的起源」將接續帶來這位國寶級藝術家創作於 1964 年至 1974 年的初期抽象版畫,一探這些極為稀有的難得珍貴作品。


Each Modern is proud to announce “Chen Ting-Shih: The Beginning of Zen” which opens January 14, 2022. Continuing from Chen’s previously held exhibition at ACHI inspired by Each Modern in November, 2021,“The Beginning of Zen” will presents rare early period abstract print works from 1964 to 1974 by this nationally lauded artist.