Tseng ChienYing: Skin Depth: 曾建穎:木與夜孰長

3 - 30 December 2022

Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸宣布推出曾建穎個展「木與夜孰長」,帶來藝術家最新系列創作。本次展出作品,呈現他有著濃厚東方血統與美學語彙的創作,如何在現今以西方為相對強勢美學的環境中尋找自身的定位,並描摹出當代社會人們精神樣貌的血與肉。


Each Modern is pleased to present ”Skin Depth”, a solo presentation of new works of Tseng ChienYing. ”Skin Depth” presents how Tseng finds the proper position with his oriental aesthetics in the dominant art world and portrays the mysterious flesh and blood of man's spirit.