25 March - 23 April 2023

Each Modern is pleased to collaborate with Gallery COMMON to announce an exchange exhibition and the exhibition will take place in Tokyo and Taipei with two groups of contemporary artists curated by the galleries. In March 2023, Each Modern will hold the first part of the exhibition at Gallery COMMON in Tokyo, and Gallery COMMON will hold the second part at Each Modern in Taipei in April.


Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸與東京畫廊Gallery COMMON 共同籌劃交換展,在東京、台北分別展出多位日本、台灣、美國的當代藝術家。2023 年三月,亞紀畫廊將率先進駐東京Gallery COMMON,而Gallery COMMON 的策展內容將接續於四月在台北亞紀畫廊展出。