Through Nature to Eternity
自 然 - 經過塵世以達永恆 28 Dec 2024 - 8 Feb 2025亞紀畫廊將於12月28日起呈現冬季群展「自然-經過塵世以達永恆」。面對更迭起伏的2024年,「自然」一詞承載著多重解釋:它既是經歷世俗磨難後的逃避之所,也是人性在歲月中積累的沉澱;它是孕育新生的寄託,更是哈姆雷特所言「經過塵世以達永恆」的象徵。此次群展的作品繼承了視覺藝術的經典,展覽從水墨、油彩、攝影等多種媒介開始,隨著時代的交替,逐漸發展出深刻的概念實踐。這些作品不僅傳達了有形的現實感,還融入了東方文化中對無限時間與空間的理解,展現了東方與自然及宇宙的關係。自然作為一個連貫的現實存在,卻又獨立於現實本身,讓觀眾在精神上得以投射於此間與此外。 Each Modern will present the winter group show 'Through Nature to Eternity' starting December 28. In the face of the changing tides of 2024, the term 'nature' carries multiple...Read more -
Antone Könst: Sirens
安通庫恩斯特:Sirens 22 Oct - 26 Nov 2022美國藝術家安通庫恩斯特將帶來第二次台灣個展「Sirens」,以獨特的繪畫語言回應著當下的世界:一方正蔓延著紛擾與憂愁,另一方則充滿趣味與希望,而我們在兩者之間反覆迴盪。Read more
Antone Könst’s second solo exhibition in Taiwan, entitled “Sirens” using his unique language of painting to respond to the current world, a world through which both turmoil and sorrow spread, but also one filled with fun and hope, reflecting people’s oscillation between the two. -
Antone Könst - Casual Magic
安通庫恩斯特 - Casual Magic 27 Mar - 25 Apr 2020New York-based Antone Könst uses painting, sculpture, and glyphic tablets to depict experiences in light, and the latent potential within everyday moments. With deep roots in modern art history, this...Read more