安通庫恩斯特,2011年畢業於加州藝術學院,2016年獲耶魯大學藝術碩士,現居美國紐約布魯克林。安通曾獲2016年法國巴黎Etats-Unis基金會獎學金、2017年雷瑪霍特曼基金會新秀藝術家獎學金以及2018年蘇格拉底雕塑公園新秀藝術家獎學金。受到現代藝術史與東方哲學的深刻啟發,安通庫恩斯特透過繪畫、雕塑、象形圖案,描繪光與日常生活中的潛在景象。他經常繪畫的雜耍者、猴子、山羊等角色與圖像,都是來自個人生活經驗的投射,再經過陳舊的檔案資料、以及流行的當代文化的深入研究,塑造平凡事物之中的魅力。同時,受到神話、民間傳說與鄉野故事的影響,庫恩斯特將人們所認知的神話中哲學面與詼諧面、更多怪誕面與平凡面相互融合,形成獨特的視覺語言。近年重要個展包括紐約Tilton Gallery 「In the Sea of Nothing」(2023)、紐約 Marianne Boesky Gallery「Cuttings」(2022)、紐約 Marianne Boesky Gallery「Dear Future」(2021)、台北亞紀畫廊「Casual Magic」(2020)、紐約Tilton Gallery「Love & Fear」(2019)、巴黎Fondation des Etats-Unis「PwrFlwr」(2015)等。重要聯展包括紐約 Anton Kern Gallery「Friends & Family」(2023)、東京Gallery COMMON「IMAGRATION」(2023)、Art Lot「Sculpture Garden」(2022)、波士頓Shelter in Place「Kong-Bottom」(2021)、紐約Anton Kern Gallery「Wirrwarr」(2019)、紐約Three Four Three Four「Summer Soup」(2019)、紐約雕塑中心「Lucky Draw」(2019)、紐約Andrew Edlin Gallery「Big Ringer」(2019)、紐約Disturb the Neighbors「Hi Friends」(2019)、紐約蘇格拉雕塑公園「Socrates Annual」(2018)、倫敦Beers Gallery「Works on Paper」(2018)。安通的作品獲北京X美術館與邁阿密Jorge M. Perez Collection等機構典藏。
Antone Könst currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from The California Institute for the Arts, Valencia, CA in 2011 and received his MFA from the Yale School of Art, New Haven in 2014. Könst's artistic prowess has been acknowledged through various accolades, including the Socrates Sculpture Park Emerging Artist Fellowship, the Rema Hort Mann Foundation Emerging Artist Grant, and the Fondation des Etats-Unis Fellowship in Paris. Drawing inspiration from both contemporary art history and Eastern philosophy, Könst's creative expression gracefully captures the interplay of light, vitality, and everyday scenes across multiple mediums such as painting, sculpture, and graphics. The figures in his paintings, such as monkeys, goats, and jugglers, are drawn from personal experiences and observations. Reflecting upon those experiences, Könst conducts research using public library and museum archives and delves into contemporary cultural studies. Antone Könst’s body of work amalgamates philosophical and humorous elements, as well as the grotesque and the mundane, weaving a cultural mythology tapestry that resonates with viewers. His recent solo exhibitions include |In the Sea of Nothing” (2023) at Tilton Gallery, New York; “Cutting” (2022) at Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York; “Dear Future” (2021) at Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York; “Casual Magic” (2020) at Each Modern, Taipei; “Love & Fear” (2019) at Tilton Gallery, New York; and “PwrFlwr” (2015) at Fondation des Etats-Unis, Paris. Selected group exhibitions include “Friends & Family” (2023) at Anton Kern Gallery; “IMAGRATION” (2023) at Gallery COMMON, Tokyo; “Sculpture Garden” (2022) at Art Lot, New York; “Kong-Bottom” (2021) at Shelter in Place, Boston; “Wirrwarr” (2019) at Anton Kern Gallery, New York; “Summer Soup” (2019) at Three Four Three Four, New York; “Lucky Draw” (2019) at Sculpture Center, New York; ”Big Ringer” (2019) at Andrew Edlin Gallery, New York; “Hi Friends” (2019) at Disturb the Neighbors, New York; “Socrates Annual” (2018) at Socrates Sculpture Park, New York; and “Works on Paper” (2018) at Beers Gallery, London. His works can be found in the collection of X Museum, Beijing and Jorge M. Perez Collection, Miami.