Zhao Gang: What is the Meaning of Painting
趙剛:繪畫的意義在哪? 7 - 14 Oct 2022趙剛的新作主題「繪畫的意義在哪?」反應了他近年來對自身繪畫的反思。藝術家將他最為人所知也最為彰顯的創作內容-歷史、情色、宗教、政治-濃縮在了四幅繪畫之中,過往的具象形象因線條的強調而變得抽象。Read more
Chinese American artist Zhao Gang’s new series throws out the theme “What is the Meaning of Paintings?” History, eroticism, religion, and politics, four most iconic elements of the artist are placed in four paintings. These works reveal a sense of sketching, lines are enlarged and the color fields are deconstructed. -
Zhao Gang 21st - Supports / ColorLumps as Anthropography of History
趙剛 21st - 色表/支架 作為歷史人類誌 1 May - 23 Aug 2020Through a collection of recent works, Zhao Gang’s history painting practice is used as an examination of his own subjectivity, and of the premise of History itself. 本展展出趙剛近年的畫作,以自身的主觀視角探討歷史。作品從小幅水彩到巨幅畫布油彩,挑戰了我們對應於歷史的角色,以及繪畫本體。Read more -
Zhao Gang - Diluted Retrospective
趙剛回顧展 12 Apr - 18 May 2019