許炯生於中國杭州,現居住與工作於北京。許炯自小接受紮實的山水及國畫訓練,而基於對西方當代藝術的濃厚興趣,不斷地深化此方面的知識儲備與研究、實驗。在思維根植於中國的精神核心下,許炯結合了對西方藝術的認知與自我的生活經驗,將山水畫抽離出了文人畫的枷鎖,挑戰並映照固有思想,創造當代山水畫的全新樣貌。許炯的開創性風格反映在藝術家對於畫面的構築、選取,以及乖張離奇的書法線條之中。許炯的書法展示了空間的透視與推移,翻越了作品本身的規整與平面性,讓書寫藝術裡本就潛藏的空間立體化,顛覆了一般書法作品的的閱讀模式。秉持著對詩性的追求,許炯更進一步轉化了媒材、技法與風格間傳統而緊密的聯想,不單單使用毛筆、墨水、礦顏、宣紙或絹本等山水畫的象徵性材料,更在此基礎上,借用拼貼、膠帶、壓克力顏料甚至現成品,以擷取並創造詩性的畫面與過程,在當代的語境以及自我的生活覺察中回應古人的山水精神。重要個展有 2023年《在每一個宇宙遇見你》,穹究堂,北京,中國、2023年《帶我去遠方》,南城美術館,沖繩,日本、2022 年亞紀畫廊「山水 2022 SS」、2019 年亞紀畫廊「自畫像」、2017 年亦安畫廊台北「我看見賈島了嗎?」以及2014 年亦安畫廊北京「大觀」,並在 2021 年參與中國藝術家趙趙創辦的穹究堂聯展「亙古亙今 」;2022 年,日本藝術家鈴木展所主持的《Drawing Tube》合刊收錄了許炯的作品,2015 年亦安工作室也為其出版藝術家書《萬物想》。重要聯展有2022 年桃園橫山書法藝術館「書法雙年展」、德國慕尼黑 Galerie Nagel Draxler 聯展 「Morgenrot und Abendbrot」。
Xu Jiong was born in HangZhou, China, and now lives and works in Beijing. Extensively trained in Chinese Landscape Painting and Calligraphy tradition, Xu Jiong is keenly aware of the shapes, lines, composition and the philosophical underpinnings inherent in traditional Shanshui. His enduring fascination with Western artistic expressions, coupled with his profound knowledge of contemporary Western art theories, further emancipate his works from the traditional confines of Chinese calligraphy and painting. Integral to Xu’s ouvre lie his meticulously crafted configurations and compositions, complemented by his mastery of calligraphic lines and brushstrokes. The artist's handwritings, characterized by distortion and near-indiscernibility, unleash an experimental engagement with abstraction. Within the contemporary art milieu, Xu Jiong delves into the latent and technical excesses of Shanshui and Chinese Calligraphy, forging new and poetic forms of imagery, intimately tied to his personal and spiritual processes. Some of his significant solo exhibitions include “Meeting You Again” at Qiong Jiu Gallery, Beijing, China (2023) “Home” at Nanjo Art Museum, Okinawa, Japan (2023), "Landscape 2022 SS" at Each Modern in 2022, "Self-Portrait" at Each Modern in 2019, “I Saw JiaDao” (2017) at aura gallery taipei, Taipei; and “Da Guan” (2014) at aura gallery Beijing, Beijing. In 2021, Xu participated in Qiongjiutang‘s group show “ETERNAL PAST, PRESENT.” Publications include group catalogue Signals/Drawing Tube (2021) and All Things Are in Me (2015). In 2022, Xu will participate in the calligraphy biennale at Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center, Taoyuan and group show “Morgenrot und Abendbrot” at Galerie Nagel Draxler, Munich.