曾建穎 生於台灣南投,畢業於國立台灣師範大學美術系水墨組,為國立臺北藝術大學美術系創作碩士,現生活與工作於台北,是台灣當代水墨最具代表性的藝術家之一。纖細柔和的工筆勾勒、曖曖含光的墨色團塊 —— 曾建穎的創作以工筆繪畫見長,並長期專注在對肉身欲望、心理欲求的挖掘,以及某種集體意識中的精神側寫。而自 2010 年開始,他的風格便深受佛教藝術影響,但曾建穎創作的議題與佛教信仰並無實質關聯。在他的作品中,更關注的是人如何透過身體、行為、動作、舉止,以及外貌妝扮來宣示、表達自我。藝術家透過這些細膩的觀察展現出個體的心理狀態的流露,突顯了現代人的七情六欲,是曾建穎觀照眾生的獨特方式。曾建穎近年重要個展包含2022年亞紀畫廊《木與夜孰長》(台北,台灣)、2020 年與 2017 年赤粒藝術《惡托邦》、《顛倒夢想》(台北,台灣),重要聯展則如2023年Gallery COMMON 《IMAGRATION》(東京,日本)、 2022年世界畫廊《逆行》(香港)、2020年國立台灣美術館《禽獸不如:台灣美術雙年展》(台中,台灣)、2020年亞紀畫廊《古今一:超越》(台北,台灣)、2019年曼谷藝術文化中心 & 驕陽基金會《光‧合作用II》(曼谷,泰國),2017年國立臺灣美術館《記憶的交織與重疊─後解嚴臺灣水墨》(台中,台灣),2015年國立臺灣美術館《夢.棲地—館藏青年藝術主題展》(台中,台灣),2014高雄市立美術館《典藏 對話—演繹當代台灣水墨》(高雄,台灣)、也趣藝廊《活體資料庫》(台北,台灣)等。曾建穎於2020年,為樂團「佛跳牆」所設計的專輯封面獲該年金曲獎入圍,同年也參加2020年台灣雙年展,並曾獲2017年亞洲文化協會獎助計畫。
Chien-Ying Tseng (b. 1987), one of the most representative Taiwanese contemporary ink artists, was born in Nantou, Taiwan, and now lives and works in Taipei. Tseng has honed his distinctive approach to meticulous traditional Chinese painting, in which he excels in delicate and fine brushwork, along with subtle ink clusters. His body of work, while profoundly influenced by Buddhist art since 2010, presents a rare glimpse into human desires, psychological cravings, and a certain aspect of collective consciousness. He has devoted himself extensively to the exploration of how individuals express and assert themselves through their bodies, actions, gestures, and appearances. Through these nuanced observations, Tseng captures the intricacies of contemporary individuals' psychological states, providing a profound reflection on humanity. Tseng’s recent selected solo exhibitions include Skin Depth at Each Modern, Taipei, Taiwan in 2022, Cacotopias and The Daydream of Delusions at Red Gold Fine Art, Taipei, Taiwan in 2020, 2017, selected group exhibitions include IMAGRATION at Gallery COMMON, Tokyo, Japan in 2023, What’s Old Becomes New Again: Lu Hao-Yuan, Christina Liu, Chang Huei-Ming, and Tseng ChienYing with Hu Bu Tang Collection at Tao Art, Taipei, Taiwan in 2023, Retrograde at Galerie du Monde, Hong Kong in 2022, 2020 Taiwan Biennial: Subzoology at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan in 2020, New Relics I : Crossing Over at Each Modern, Taipei, Taiwan in 2020, Spectrosynthesis II at BACC, Bangkok, Thailand in 2019. Moreover, in 2020 Tseng was nominated for “The Best Album Design” of The 31st Golden Melody Awards, and in the same year, his works were featured in Taiwan Biennial; he also was awarded the 2017 Asian Cultural Council fellowship.