森山大道是日本最具影響力、舉足輕重的攝影家。他的攝影風格-搖晃、模糊與失焦,描繪了潛藏在城市表面下的黑暗與陌生。在 1968 年,他加入影響日本藝術深遠的先鋒攝影團體「挑釁」,自此五十年間未曾間斷地擴展攝影的極限。身為戰後最重要的國際攝影大師,森山大道質疑並重新定義了攝影。他的早期作品挖掘了日本在工業化都市中的氾濫擴張、衰敗、與神秘。他遊蕩於大街小巷,以敏銳的直覺、獵人式的拍攝手法,進行快拍或不觀看觀景窗的方式隨拍,對時代的變化作出敏感的反應。而作為「Provoke 挑釁」刊物的重要成員,森山大道也定義了與當時攝影傳統背道而行的美學:粗糙、高反差,就像獵人一樣在世界中遊走,反應式地捕捉著現實生活與圖像的瞬間。他的作品受國際重要機構的廣泛展示與收藏,包括紐約現代美術館、舊金山現代美術館、紐約大都會美術館、洛杉磯蓋提美術館、波士頓美術館、巴黎龐畢度中心等。
Moriyama Daido is one of the most known and prolific Japanese photographers working today. His photographic style, described as grainy, blurry, out of focus, heightens the darkness and strangeness lurking below the surface of the urban landscape. He became a member of the influential collective Provoke in 1968 and kept on pushing the limits of photograph for more than five decades. Moriyama became intricately associated with the revolutionary Japanese Provoke movement in the 1960s. This avant-garde collective sought to push the boundaries of conventional photography, challenging societal norms and aesthetic conventions. Moriyama's oeuvre mirrors this spirit, offering a visceral encounter with the urban tapestry, capturing both the mundane and the mysterious in exquisite, high-contrast monochrome. Whether through captivating close-ups of ordinary objects or candid snapshots of urban denizens, Moriyama unearths the profound within the quotidian, revealing the duality of existence in the modern metropolis. Moriyama’s work has been widely exhibited and collected by prominent public institute, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and The Centre Pompidou, Paris.