陳庭詩 Chen Ting-Shih Taiwan, 1913-2002

陳庭詩生於福建,後於1948年來台,曾活躍於五月畫會及現代版畫會等,對台灣現代藝術的發展具有相當的影響力。陳庭詩年幼失聰,經歷了戰亂遷台、政治緊張等時代變動以及西方藝術的影響。陳庭詩創作風格出入於古典與現代,藝術媒材多元,舉凡版畫、水墨、壓克力、雕塑、書法、篆刻乃至作詩,都揮灑自如。其中,陳庭詩的版畫最具突破性,融東方手法與西方抽象理念為一體,也映射了藝術家的生命歷程。陳庭詩的藝術簡潔、強烈、超脫而又神秘。他的抽象版畫通常由數目不一的單色、簡化平面色塊構成,大小不同、有如符號般的色塊分別扮演點、線、面的角色,以既穩定又具空間穿透性的方式, 騰空於畫面作為視覺主體,形成完整而純粹的結構。除了作品的用色及筆意受到傳統書法的深刻影響之外,陳庭詩版畫中的線條與形體也富含金石篆刻的意趣,其中呈現的規則與排列也體現藝術家對天地 、萬物 、日月 、宇宙更替循環的浪漫哲學。陳庭詩為華人戰後藝術寫下了前衛的一頁,融貫東西古今,從台灣出發至世界,最終漫遊在了宇宙的不滅能量之中。陳庭詩之版畫作品廣受海內外美術館及私人團體所購藏,包括洛克菲勒基金會、辛辛那提美術館、國立台灣美術館等,以及私人機構如香港大通銀行、台北花旗銀行和IBM電腦公司等等。


Chen Ting-Shih (1913-2002) held a significant influence on the development of modern art in Taiwan. Suffered from hearing loss since a young age, Chen experienced the upheavals of war, political tensions, and the influence of Western art. He utilized a wide range of media, including printmaking, ink, acrylics, sculpture, calligraphy, seal engraving, and even poetry. Among these, Chen Ting-Shih's printmaking was conceived the most groundbreaking, reflecting the artist's personal life and artistic journey. Chen Ting-Shih's art is characterized by its profound simplicity, powerful visual language, and rich philosophical depth. His creations are distinguished by the presence of varying monochromatic color blocks, meticulously arranged to convey his artistic vision. These color palettes, alongside the strategic placement of dots and lines, serve as a testament to his deep-rooted mastery of Chinese calligraphy and the enduring spirit of seal engraving. Within Chen Ting-Shih's prints, viewers are invited to explore a symbolic universe where objects metaphorically represent the sky, earth, sun, moon, and the vast expanse of the cosmos. Through these representations, the artist conveys a profound and romantic philosophy, one that contemplates the passage of time and space. Chen Ting-Shih's print works are widely collected by art museums and private groups both domestically and internationally, including the Rockefeller Foundation, the Cincinnati Art Museum, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, as well as private institutions such as Chase Bank (Hong Kong), Citibank (Taipei), and IBM Corporation, among others. In 2024, Each Modern presented Chen’s art at Art Basel Hong Kong.