藝術家張碩尹出生於臺北,現工作與居住於臺灣臺北與西班牙聖地亞哥德孔波斯特拉。張碩尹的創作媒材跨及大型裝置、繪畫、表演、錄像與劇場,詼諧反諷的創作語彙擴及社會政治議題、自然生態與當代生活的各種層面,並結合科學、科技、生物學、生物動力學等知識領域,反映人與科技、社會的關係。他的近期個展於北師美術館、台北市立美術館舉行;並參與台北雙年展、廣州三年展、濟州雙年展、安養公共藝術計畫、山口情報藝術中心、 康普頓弗尼美術館、惠康基金會之群展與委託案.近期獲獎包括台新藝術獎視覺藝術大獎、台北美術獎、Art Central 新晉菁英大獎(香港)、伊比利美術獎(英國)、皇家雕塑學會獎(英國)、流明藝術獎(英國)。作品受台北市立美術館、藝術銀行、洪建全基金會、アウラ現代藝術振興財団,與亞洲歐洲私人收藏。
Since the beginning of Chang TingTong’s artistic career, Chang has produced numerous large-scale installations, which enable him to engage with societal issues including politics, ecology, and contemporary culture. Deeply rooted in Anthropology, Chang’s work is characterized by a dual nature of experimentation and performance, combining conceptual framework with creative narratives. He held solo exhibitions at the Museum of NTUE and Taipei Fine Arts Museum and has participated in group shows and commissioned projects in Jeju Biennial, Anyang Public Art Project, Guangzhou Triennial, Taipei Biennial, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, Compton Verney Art Gallery and Wellcome Trust. Chang’s major awards include the Taishin Arts Award(TW), Taipei Art Award(TW), Art Central RISE Award(HK), VIA Arts Prize(UK), Gilbert Bayes Award(UK) and Lumen Prize(UK). His works can be found in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Art Bank, Hong Foundation, Aura Contemporary Art Foundation and private collections in Europe and Asia.