盜夢者 11 May - 18 Jun 2022超現實主義聯展「盜夢者 Paprika」以日本超現實主義動畫導演今敏(1963-2010)的最後作品《盜夢偵探》(2006)作為展名的啟發,將西方超現實主義的啟蒙延伸至亞洲及台灣的超現實實踐。Read more
“Paprika” is a group show of works of surrealist art. The exhibition, named after Satoshi Kon (1963 - 2010)’s last animated film “Paprika”(2006), presents the expansion of Surrealism from the Western world to Asia and Taiwan. -
Hilo Chen: New York 1970
陳昭宏:紐約 1970 30 Dec 2021 - 19 Feb 2022Each Modern is pleased to announce “Hilo Chen: New York 1970” at ACHI inspired by Each Modern. Following Each Modern’s late 2021 exhibition "Hilo Chen: Eyes" which presented his early portraits, this exhibition will focus on the artist’s photorealistic paintings made in New York before his transition into his preeminent Beach series.Read more
Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸於 ACHI inspired by Each Modern 帶來「陳昭宏:紐約 1970」。繼 2021 年末於亞紀畫廊展出其早期肖像作品的展覽「陳昭宏:眼睛」之後,本展將專注於藝術家在邁入最廣為人知的《海灘》系列之前,在紐約以一種局外、旁觀、探索、遊蕩的生活方式所實踐的照相寫實繪畫。 -
Hilo Chen: Eyes
陳昭宏:眼 睛 1 - 31 Dec 2021“Hilo Chen: Eyes,” presenting precious works from the early photorealism stage that have never been shown by the New York-based Taiwanese artist Hilo Chen. Most of the exhibiting works will be revealed to the public for the first time after more than 50 years.Read more
Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸展出「陳昭宏:眼睛」,呈現旅美台灣藝術家陳昭宏由一名東方畫會的抽象藝術家,輾轉從巴黎來到紐約,蛻變為寫實藝術家的初始階段。其中多件作品經歷超越半個世紀的淬煉,將於本展覽首次公開。 -
Hilo Chen-The Bather of Valpincon
陳昭宏-瓦平松的浴女 15 Jan - 29 Feb 2020New York-based Taiwanese artist Hilo Chen’s “The Bather of Valpinçon” features the artist’s well-known photorealistic paintings from the late 70s as well as early works that have not been shown...Read more