林亦軒 Lin YiHsuan Taiwan, b. 1985

林亦軒 生於宜蘭,2009年前往拉丁美洲生活與創作,曾居住宏都拉斯、阿根廷,最終落腳巴西。林亦軒以其豐富卻不過分華麗的抽象繪畫見長,看似孩童的塗鴉,但卻蘊含著深刻的線條、符號、色彩和紋理。藝術家充滿活力的筆觸來自於創作時的情緒、思考、音樂韻律。看似自發的線條與色彩流動,實際上都經過藝術家的深思熟慮與計劃,在畫布上下筆之前,都先在白紙上以素描形式先勾勒, 有條不紊召喚一個顯然是衝動創造的、未定義的、具有多重意義的畫布空間。林亦軒既理性而又感性的創作方式,進一步擴展了他抽象畫中的複雜性以及空間感。林亦軒近年重要個展包括2023年沖繩南城美術館「太陽的鉛筆」、畫廊週北京與台北亞紀畫廊「密度」、 2021年台北亞紀畫廊「一個叫木材的傢伙」、2019年巴西聖保羅「在星空下」(為該年古裡提巴雙年展會外展)與台北關渡美術館「我們是烏龜」、2018年台北亞紀畫廊「吸管」、2017年費城Basin「Baby Danger Baby Extraño」與亦安畫廊台北「河馬啊」、以及2016年紐約Jeffrey Stark「A Chicken and a dog, they walk」等;重要聯展包括2023年嘉義美術館「我們在此相遇」、2019年香港Simon Lee Gallery「夏日外出」與台北亞紀畫廊「李元佳與年輕藝術家」、2018年宜蘭美術館「詩意的凝視:宜蘭美術館典藏特展」、2016年洛杉磯Moran Moran「Paper in Practice」與台北雙方藝廊「寫生:書寫與繪畫」、2014年紐約Suzanne Geiss 「That's the neighbor, always dressing these boulders in the yard」、2013 年聖保羅 Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz「Olhae e escolher」、以及2011年台北鳳甲美術館「當代素描展」等。林亦軒曾參與2019 年聖保羅與紐約ISCP、及2013 年洛杉磯18 街藝術中心的駐村計劃。


Lin YiHsuan was born in Yilan, Taiwan, then relocated to Latin America in 2009 and has since lived in Honduras and Argentina. Currently, he lives and works in São Paulo. Lines, symbols, passages of colors and brushstrokes are imbued with painterly techniques in Lin’s abstract paintings. Many of his early works center on Lin’s exotic experience in search of personal identity, while his recent practice has turned to the investigation of painterliness and pure abstraction. Fluid, loose, and interwoven, Lin's seemingly spontaneous methods are the result of meticulous planning and arrangement. Each composition, each individual line, is initially sketched on blank paper before it is rendered on the canvas. This allows Lin to create a canvas that appears impulsive and undefined, yet is filled with intricate layers of meaning. With a creative approach that combines an interplay of rationality and sensitivity, Lin YiHsuan further enhances the complexity and spatial depth within his abstract paintings. Lin YiHsuan’s recent important solo shows include "The Sun’s Pencil" (2023) at Nanjo Art Museum, Okinawa, "Density" (2023) at Gallery Weekend Beijing and Each Modern, Taipei, "a man called log" (2021) at Each Modern, Taipei, "Sob o Céu Estrelado" (2019) at Ateliê Fidalga, São Paulo, "We are Turtles" (2019) at Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, "Straw" (2018) at Each Modern, Taipei, "Baby Danger Baby Extraño" (2017) at Basin, Philadelphia, "Argh. Hippos." (2017) at Aura Gallery Taipei, Taipei, and "A Chicken and a dog, they walk" at Jeffrey Stark, New York. Lin's recent group shows include "Here is Where We Meet" (2023) at ChiaYi Art Museum, "Out of Summer" (2019) at Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong, "Li Yuan-chia and the Homages to" (2019) at Each Modern, Taipei, "Poetic Gaze: Yilan Art Museum Collection Exhibition" (2018) at Yilan Art Museum, Yilan, "Paper in Practice" (2016) at Moran Moran, Los Angeles, "Seize the Life: Contemporary Writing and Painting" (2016) at Double Square Gallery, Taipei, "That's the neighbor, always dressing these boulders in the yard" (2014) at Suzanne Geiss, New York, "Olhae e escolher" (2013) at Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz, Sao Paulo, and "Drawing Now: Contemporary Taiwanese Drawing" at Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei. Lin has also participated in residency programs at Ateliê Fidalga, Sao Paulo (2019), ISCP, New York (2019), and 18th Street Art Center (2013).