荒木經惟 Araki Nobuyoshi Japan, b. 1940

荒木經惟是國際間最知名、也具最高藝術成就的日本攝影家。他所拍攝人物與景物露骨、親密、古怪、甚或有一絲的逝去感傷,強烈地表現出了他獨有的慾望與情感,也成就了不可取代的荒木經惟攝影風格。荒木經惟的攝影聚焦於那些被傳統攝影界賤斥、排除的性愛題材,其中包括極具個人性的裸體乃至私生活的記錄。當時正是日本攝影界對傳統攝影觀念進行反思和重構的時代,對「個人性」的表現成為當時的一個熱點,即所謂的「私攝影」,荒木早期作品中大膽的手法將這一觀念推向了極致,使日本的現代攝影向前邁進了一大步。荒木作品被各地知名美術館收藏,包括東京都現代美術館 (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo),泰特美術館(Tate London),洛杉磯現代藝術館(The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles)、紐約現代藝術館 (The Museum of Modern Art, New York)等。


Araki  Nobuyoshi has aggressively revealed his desires and emotions through his exotic, intimate, quirky, and sometimes grieving photographs of people and cityscapes. Araki’s one-of-a-kind style of photography is highly recognized worldwide.Eros and Thanatos have been the central themes in Araki’s work; an abiding fascination with female genitalia and women’s bodies in Japanese bondage, flowers, food, his cat, faces, and Tokyo street scenes. During a time when the Japanese photography scene was undergoing a reevaluation and reconstruction, his highly personal subjects, known as "private photography," boldly propelled Japanese modern photography. Work by the artist is held in prestigious institutions and museum collections worldwide, including Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, USA; Tate, London, UK; and The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA.